Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Subway Memory

The only thing that separates this and that, is time. Which is strange because we usually measure time in feelings. Which do not function logically.

I had an amazing time. Time flies when you're having fun. It was a depressing time in my life.

So strongly are we tied up in time as feeling that when something is going well, we assume it won't stop. And likewise, when something is going poorly, we think it will never end.

Last night I took my brother Syd up to Harlem to listen to some jazz. We passed by the subway station I used to wait at every morning to go to a job I hated. I had a feeling then that a day passed like it was a year. It honestly felt like this terrible job would never end.

Then it did.

This year I have changed where I work and suddenly I love my new job and that never-ending one I hated is just a brief memory I rumbled passed on the train. Time is the constant. It always moves.

This too will pass.

1 comment:

slane said...

I was all set to hear about Syd, Jazz and Harlem. How did that go?

Time is like a number line with infinite points and no end (hopefully). When we feel, we are simply recognizing more of those points. It's like driving a familiar route. We tend to see more the first time or two, and less thereafter, until we experience something that makes us "feel."

This feeling establishes a reference point on the timeline, be it happy or sad. Some believe we can choose our feelings. For me, it helps to remember the important things like healthy family, food, shelter, etc. Then I'm better able to keep perspective and decide attitude. When I can do this I can better appreciate my time.

