Sunday, October 14, 2007


Well, it is ````````````tough times for an aspiring ``writer ````````````````````her`e ``on ````````M`aj`````uro. I opened up my `computer t`he `````````````````````other day and ```````````````found that there was something off. My tilda key was locked down and insisted on splashing itself across my screen in an`noying flashes of persistance. Needless to say that when you are deep within the tangles of your own thoughts and the thoughts of all of your characters, the last thing that you `w`ant or need is to have a giant like of things that look like an apostr`ophie jam out across the screen. I am kind of frustr`ated right now. I have tr`ied everything that I know to fix it but nothing seems to work. I flipped off the key and cleaned out underneath it and it appears that nothing is physically holding it down, so I can only guess that this is the first of many humidity breakdowns that is headed my way... wow, it seems to have slowed down quite a bit. This makes me happy. Very` happy````````````````````````````````````````````````. Damn it. I spoke too ``````````so`o```````````n. anyway, I have started p`laying basketb`all after school in my` flip flops sometimes. It is very fun and I get an automatic excuse any of my shots don’t fall. I am wearing flip flops!

The love you give comes back in the end.

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