Tuesday, May 5, 2009


One more added benefit of moving back in with the folks: my Mom brought me a coffee from Starbucks just as I woke up. Dang, and it was a huge, carmel, foam, ta-da number too. 

I got the job in New York, and I will be moving on the weekend of July 17th. But now, well, gotta be honest, not sure if I should go... I can pretty much guarantee I won't get coffee brought to me when I wake up there!

No, I am seriously excited to move. Harlem, watch out!


Tiffany Leigh Speer said...

I'll bring you coffee in NYC :)

Zachary Koval said...

You may not be able to to have coffee delivered to you, but you can definitely buy sliced mango and frozen icees on the street.

Harlem Woot Woot!!