Friday, November 21, 2008

Lists, Oh Sweet Lists

Things That Excited Me From November:

1. Greg Oden playing three straight games. He’s looking huge, athletic and intimidating.

2. Eggnog hitting the supermarket shelves. I drink a glass a day. I figure it’s good for my health. It tastes so good I store it in the pouches of my cheeks so I can let it trickle down my throat throughout the day. All in all, it works out pretty well until about hour three when the natural warmth of my cheeks heats up the egg portion of the eggnog a little too much and rancidness starts to occur.

3. The cold, dark weather. I’ve complained before about the darkness, but in reality, the terrible weather has been fun so far. I never got to bundle up last year, aside from when I went into the frigid air-conditioning of the movie theater, so this is a treat.

4. The election being over and Obama winning. It takes a lot of worry off my plate. I don’t know what I would’ve done if McCain had been elected… Probably just not include it on my “Things That Excited Me From November,” list.

5. My work got published on two online zines. Whoop, whoop.

Things That Depressed Me From November

1. Anything to do with the financial crisis. Seriously, will any good news come from this thing? The Dow dropped close to 500 points yesterday and is seriously flirting with doing the limbo beneath 6,000 and no one seems to have a clue as to what to do. Not that I care specifically about the health of Caterpillar or any of the other industrial companies comprising the Dow, but when people lose jobs it gets me down cause I hope to have one of those in the future…

2. The cold, dark weather. Yeah, this one goes both ways. One of my favorite things from the summer to do was ride my bike around. When it is cold and dark I don’t do that as much. Sucks.

3. My feet. They are always cold. It is the curse of tall people to have poor circulation. It has been this way my whole life…

Well, I can’t think of a full five to fill out the rest of the “Things That Depressed Me From November” list so I guess it’s been a pretty good month… Well, the month isn’t over yet, so if anything comes up, I’ll update the list.


Amberlynn said...

Magnetic insoles help keep my feet warm. If you haven't tried them, you may want to.

Unknown said...

your old pall the great depression will help you finish off your list you smug turkey rag